Bring BenJammin to your event!


About Us

I believe that music is like magic for the mind and soul. I have always had the most fun times of my life while playing muisc. I believe that learning comes alive when music is applied.



News About Us

Analisa and I had a baby girl on October 17, 2008.  Her name is Cadence Lyra and she's as cute as can be.   We haven't missed a beat with our performances.  We bring Cadence along in a baby carrier and she performs the shows with us.   You can see her on if you type in Cadence Lyra.


I always wanted my own treehouse with a winding staircase, Dutch doors and a sky light. So I made one to share with all my friends. Actually, I'm updating the website from inside it right now.

Analisa made a visionay board for the wedding.


I wished for a genie and all the wood and paint to make it just showed up. Yuki helped a little too.


Me and my family up in the tree house.

Row, row, row your boat...